Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Daily Regime

Current Drum Regime (Excluding 1 hour of random solo-ing):

Aim: Increase single roll speed, stamina and hand independence.

  1. Paradidles (RLRRLRLL) - 90 BPM, 15 mins
  2. Johnny Rabb speed exercise (RRRRLLLL-RRRRLLLL-RLRLRLRLRLRLRLRL) - 90 BPM, 15 mins
  3. Triplets Flam - 100 BPM, 15 mins

Aim: Increase single pedal speed, stamina and accuracy.

  1. Exercises:
  2. Doubles: (RLFFRLFF) - 90 BPM, 15 mins
  3. Triplets (together with triplets flam) - 100 BPM, 15 mins

Total time: 1 hour

This is currently what I'm doing during this examination period. Will do more during the holidays.

Current Achievement:
  • Continuous triplets at 100 BPM on bass drums.
  • 16th note single roll at 180 BPM.

Song recommendation of the day:
Trivium - Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr